US denies softball president permission to go to Cuba

Top official regrets decision

Havana, Mar 7 (Prensa Latina) The US government forbade Don Foster, president of the International Softball Federation, to visit Cuba to award the first Cuban coach in the Hall of Fame, Granma newspaper reported on Wednesday.

"I regret much not having gone to Havana for the ceremony of introduction of Cuban coach Armando Aguiar Gil in the Hall of Fame, because the US government denied me a visa and has not given any information about it", Porter told the daily.

From his office in Plant City, Florida, Porter said that he had the Cuban government's visa, but he is still waiting for a writing explanation from the US Department of Treasure on his prohibition.

According to the Cuban Federation on that discipline, Porter should have come in February to deliver Aguiar the ring that accredits him as the first Cuban expert in the Softball's Hall of Fame.

"The US Olympic Committee should find ways to preven US Government interferences in sport, or that could affect the country?s candidature for the Olympic Games", warned Porter.

Despite his function in the Softball Federation, Porter needs a visa from his government to travel to Cuba, due to Washington-imposed blockade to the island 48 years ago.


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