Ecuador's Correa heralds ties with Cuba

Country will buy uban medicines and expertise, says President-elect

Quito, Jan 15 (Prensa Latina) Ecuadorian President-elect Rafael Correa has augured a strengthening of the bilateral relations and collaboration with Cuba after meeting with the island s Vice President Carlos Lage.

Sunday, in declarations to Cuban journalists, Correa said his nation will import high-quality and low-priced medicines from the Caribbean state to be able to truly offer free public health to his people.

Concerning possible collaboration in other sectors, he mentioned some successful initiatives in the island such as the energy saving revolution.

The dignitary-elect appreciated the solidarity of the Cuban government and people as well as the excellent work of the medical brigades in the ophthalmology centers installed in Ecuador as part of the Operation Miracle.

Likewise, Correa, who is taking office on Monday, praised the work of the Cuban educators, who have taught 45,000 Ecuadorians to write and read with the island s internationally famous method.


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