Cuba: Strength through Democracy

30 years of People's Power system

Havana, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon said the strength of the island s political system is that it is deeply democratic, and this has impeded enemies of the process from overthrowing it.

On the regular Cuban roundtable TV program Thursday, dedicated to the first 30 years of Peoples Power in Cuba, Alarcon stated that "the main feature of our system is that it is an home-grown, we do not import it from anywhere."

According to the legislator, the Cuban government s model has its roots in the history of the country, and started on January 1, 1959, when the Revolution led by Fidel Castro reached power.

Alarcon noted the United States has been concerned since day one, when the White House verified that Cuba was starting for the first time a democratic and popular system, which has been improved to give strength to the process.

Power in Cuba is of the people, pointed out Alarcon, who also acknowledged that there are some defects and deficiencies that are the "most analyzed problems in all our meetings."

He recalled that never in history has a country had to develop its political, social and economic plans amid genocide and a blockade like the one the US has imposed on Cuba for over 47 years.

The Cuban head of the parliament warned that Washington s threats oblige people from this island to be more responsible and not make mistakes.

"Only work," said the parliamentarian, "will help to improve the country s social model. Our best defense consists of constant improvement."


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