Cuba: CIA Sabotaged Cuban Plane

Terrorist act of 1976 was at agency's behest

Havana, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) Cuba investigators held Tuesday the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) responsible of the explosion in mid air of a Cuban airplane with 73 people aboard in 1976.

The sabotage, planned by international terrorists Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, claimed 73 lives, shortly after taking off from the Barbados international airport.

Investigators Manuel Hevia and Andres Zaldivar, supported by declassified documents and other information, said that Posada had been stationed in Venezuela by the CIA since 1967, and there he was in charge of the intelligence services.

Among his main tasks were to eliminate insurgents and support the CIA by spying in a country with larger economic and geo-political interests for United States, investigators told Granma newspaper.

Washington backed the creation of the Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations, attended by Posada and Bosch in June 1976, and the order was: "Do whatever you want against Cuba out of the US territory," they stated.

On July 9, 1976, a bomb exploded in luggage on board a Cuban airplane in Kingston, Jamaica. The following day, another device detonated in offices of an air company in Barbados and in the same month, Artaignan Diaz, technician of the Cuban shrimping fleet, was murdered in Merida, Mexico.

As part of the plan, said investigators, Cuban diplomats Crescencio Galañena and Jesus Cejas were kidnapped and murdered in Buenos Aires, and in September, former Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier was killed in New York.

On October 6, a Cuban airplane exploded and this was termed as one of the most horrendous crimes in the history of the Continent, and the US government was the mastermind of this action for supporting the terrorist plan, ended investigators.


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