Twenty more hospitals equipped by Cuba in Bolivia

More aid for literacy programme, too

La Paz, Oct 1 (Prensa Latina) Twenty more hospitals equipped by Cuba will join a previous 20 supplied by the Cuban government to Bolivia this year, said Cuban Ambassador to Bolivia Rafael Dausa here Sunday.

The announcement was made by Dausa here during the opening of a diagnosis center in San Cristobal, in the Bolivian southern department of Potosi, at which Bolivian President Evo Morales was also present.

Dausa said equipment will be supplied soon, with the help of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which will also finance acquisition of 200,000 lenses for people learning to read and write by means of Cuban method "Yo Si Puedo."

For that Cuban-born program, Venezuela will supply financial resources to purchase 8,600 solar panels, to take electric energy to the most intricate places in Bolivia, together with another 2,000 panels already installed.

President Evo Morales said Cuban doctors have assisted more than 1.6 million people in Bolivia, and saved more than 2,350 lives.

He also said that Bolivia?s economy is recovering, and that some day, the time will come for Bolivia to help and cooperate with other countries of the world, including Cuba.

More than 500 delegates are attending the forum in representation of the nine Bolivian departments.


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