Another extension for ruling on release of Posada Carriles

Terrorist might be freed

EL PASO, Texas (USA), September 25.-The U.S. government has obtained a further extension to submit its objections to the recommendation by a federal magistrate to release terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, held since 2005 in an immigration detention center in this southern U.S. city.

According to court sources, the federal government has a deadline of October 5 – the day before the October 6 anniversary of the criminal sabotage masterminded by Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch of a Cubana Aviation airliner over Barbados, killing 73 innocent people – to submit its objections.

The Justice Department notified a court in El Paso last week that it opposes the recommendation by the federal magistrate to release Posada, given that it would have consequences both nationally and internationally, Notimex reported.

This past September 11, U.S. Magistrate Norbert Garney recommended the release of the terrorist, who has been held while awaiting deportation, given that no country has come forward to receive him.

Last March, the Department of Homeland Security determined that Posada Carriles should remain indefinitely detained because he is a “danger to national security,” and could flee, and for his record of “criminal activity” and “violent acts that show disregard for the public in general.”

Cuban bomb suspect could be released

Magistrate rules Posada Carriles should be freed

A US court has ruled that a Cuban wanted on terrorism charges by Cuba and Venezuela should be set free from a Texas immigration detention centre.

Ex-CIA operative Luis Posada Carriles was held for crossing illegally from Mexico after serving time in Panama for plotting to kill Cuba's Fidel Castro.

Mr Posada Carriles faces deportation, but it cannot be to Cuba or Venezuela.

Venezuela, which says he was behind a 1976 plane bombing that killed 73 people, condemned the latest ruling.

A Venezuelan government spokesman, Eric Wingerter, said the fact the ruling came on the fifth anniversary of the 11 September attacks would be particularly insulting to the families of those who died in the bombing of the Cuban airliner.

'Right track'

A US magistrate in El Paso, Texas, ruled that Mr Posada Carriles should be set free from the city's immigration detention centre.

The judge noted that the US Supreme Court had ruled that those held on immigration violations could not be held indefinitely.

As far as we're concerned, we're on the right track

Felipe Millan

Lawyer for Mr Posada Carriles

He also said no third country had been found willing to accept Mr Posada Carriles' deportation. The earlier ruling had said he could face torture in Cuba or Venezuela.

Mr Posada Carriles' lawyer, Felipe Millan, said his client could be free within 30 days if a federal district judge upheld the ruling.

He added that Mr Posada Carriles, 78, would join his family in Miami until the deportation was worked out.

Prison escape

Both Venezuela and Cuba have accused the US government of harbouring a man they consider to be a known terrorist.

Mr Wingerter said: "If we are serious about fighting terrorism then we need to prosecute all terrorists, not just those opposed to US foreign policy."

The US Department of Justice said it was reviewing the court decision.

The entire Cuban fencing team was among those who died when the Cuban jetliner flying from Caracas was bombed.

Mr Posada Carriles was twice acquitted by courts in Venezuela of plotting to bomb the plane.

He escaped from a Venezuelan prison in 1985 while awaiting a trial on appeal.

Mr Posada Carriles was convicted in Panama of trying to bomb Cuban leader Fidel Castro at a summit in the country in 2002.

Mr Posada Carriles has said Mr Castro tried to have him killed in 1990 because of his previous work for Venezuela as a security official.


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