British Trade Union Congress passes unanimous resolution in support of Cuba

Motion condemns US aggression against Cuba

September 10th 2003

British Trade Union Congress passes unanimous resolution in support of Cuba

Motion 83 Cuba

Congress condemns the intensifying and hostile attempts by the United States to undermine the self-determination and economic position of Cuba.

Congress believes that further attempts to isolate and coerce Cuba represent dangerous threats to peace and are based on false claims about Cuba’s foreign policy and military capacity.

Congress recognises that the US has sustained a 44-year economic blockade of the island and has financed and organised opposition groups in violation of norms of diplomacy in order to destabilise Cuba and seek the overthrow of its government.

Congress renews its commitments to opposing economic sanctions against Cuba and encourages all affiliates to affiliate to, and support, bona fide trade union-supported campaigns and humanitarian aid organisations such as the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and Salud International.

Congress endorses the appeal ’To the Conscience of the World‘ initiated by ten prominent Mexicans in April 2003, which highlights the intensified campaign of aggression against Cuba.

Congress applauds the social priorities of the Cuban government and welcomes the medical support given by Cuba to other third world countries. It calls on the British government to resume constructive engagement with Cuba.

Congress calls on the General Council to make representations to the UK Government and the European Union to oppose any closer identification with the Bush administration’s hostility towards Cuba and to oppose any further US or EU sanctions.

Community and Youth Workers’ Union

Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians

Fire Brigades Union


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