July 26 reports: US transition plan useless in Cuba, says Fidel

Crowds hear Cuban leader in upbeat mood

Bayamo, Cuba, Jul 26 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro compared Cuba"s social and humane exploits to a Plan devised by President (G.W.) Bush for "a democratic transition" on the Island.

"Granma province does not need a Yankee transition plan to educate, vaccinate and provide health care to the people," said Fidel on addressing National Rebel Day celebration.

Fidel Castro also noted that Cubans enjoy today what over 40 million US counterparts cannot even dream about.

"We should invite Mr. Bush and those talking of plans of transition to see in Granma the achievements of literacy, arts and culture," he said.

The White House recently approved a so-called Report from the Commission for the Assistance to a Free Cuba that manipulates the truth on the Cuban Revolution with explicit means to topple its legitimate government.

Fidel also noted local development in education, health, culture, sports, technology, social security, economic development, that helped win the national July 26th celebrations.

On that date in 1953 a group of youth led by the young attorney Fidel Castro led two attacks on military barracks from dictator Fulgencio Batista.

The actions became symbol of rebelliousness and catalyst of the 1959 triumph of the Revolution.

The World Must Change, Fidel Castro

Bayamo, Cuba, Jul 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Fidel Castro said in this eastern city on Wednesday the world should radically change as the only way to save itself.

He spoke in the central rally on the 53rd anniversary of the attack on Moncada and Bayamo barracks, in 1953, which gave birth to the armed struggle against Fulgencio Batista?s dictatorship, and criticized the capitalist system for ignoring social assistance for world populations.

In an implicit reference to the United States, the Cuban president highlighted that instead of continuing with the stupidity of a supposed transition in Cuba, it should pay attention to the serious problems caused by the order of hunger and suffering it has imposed on the planet.

Capitalism and its waste have caused many mistakes, the head of State said.

Fidel Castro recalled that he referred to this issue during the MERCOSUR Summit and at the Argentinian University of Cordoba, faced with the current situation in many nations.

Neoliberalism has been eliminating social security in those countries and their private medicine charges from $1,500 to $2,000 for cataract surgery, which reaches up to $5,000 or $6,000 in the United States, he explained.

Fidel Castro presented a comprehensive report about medical and scientific development in the country, although he highlighted the current need for modern concepts in services and preventive research in health.

Cuban Medical Studies are Universal, Fidel Castro

Bayamo, Cuba, 26 jul (PL) Presidente Fidel Castro ratified on Wednesday the universalization of medical studies in Cuba, which count on participation of youth from several countries, and highlighted the solidarity work by the Henry Reeve Cuban medical brigade.

Before thousands of people that gathered in eastern Bayamo to commemorate the 53rd anniversary of the armed uprising on July 26, 1953, the also president of the State and Minister Councils said that more than 20,000 foreign students are studying medicine in the island.

He also highlighted the work in Pakistan by more than 400 Cuban physiotherapist doctors, who are members of that brigade, assisting the victims of an earthquake in that Asian nation.

The Henry Reeve brigade was formed in August, 2005, after the path of hurricane Katrina through the US southern region, to assist the victims of that meteor, but the aid was rejected by President George W. Bush?s government.

Before more than 100,000 people that gathered at the Plaza de la Patria, Fidel Castro highlighted the quality of the medical equipment the Cuban government is currently buying abroad.

"We are buying medical equipment to the best producing brands in the world," said the president, who also highlighted the 67,859 patients assisted in the rehabilitation areas all over the country.


All Set for July 26 Celebration in Bayamo, Cuba

By Pedro Mora of Periodico 26 newspaper

BAYAMO, July 24.- With the opening of a press center on Sunday, Bayamo and its main plaza are ready to host Cuba’s most important annual celebration on Wednesday, said Lazaro Exposito Canto, first secretary of the Communist Party for the province of Granma.

The July 26 National Rebellion Day commemoration marks the 53rd anniversary of the historic attacks on the Moncada and Cespedes Garrisons in Santiago de Cuba and Bayamo that sparked the Cuban Revolution.

Exposito noted that the plaza was remodeled for the event and said the press center had been provided with all the necessary facilities to help the work of both national and foreign journalists.

Present for the press center opening were Rolando Alfonso Borges, head of the Ideological Dept. of the Communist Party Central Committee, and Jesus Antoinio Infante, president of the Granma provincial assembly.

Numerous projects were completed in Bayamo in preparation for hosting the July 26 celebrations. They included the opening of the Valle del Cauto Hotel, a new urban organic agriculture farm, and a produce market.



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