Evo Morales honours Che Guevara with new clinic from Cuba

Argentine hero's birthday marked at place of his execution

La Higuera, Bolivia, 15 June: Bolivian President Evo Morales opened a health clinic to be staffed by Cuban physicians on Wednesday at La Higuera, the place where Ernesto Che Guevara, the legendary doctor-guerrilla commander, was executed in 1967.

Choosing Che's 78th birth anniversary for the occasion, Morales also delivered diplomas to 17 area residents who just completed a literacy programme using the Cuban "Yes I Can" method.

Earlier in the day a Comprehensive Diagnostic Center donated by Cuba to Bolivia was inaugurated at Valle Grande, where Che's remains were discovered and exhumed before being sent to Cuba in 1997.

Dr. Jorge Gonzalez, rector of the Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana, and Camilo Guevara, Che's son, were on hand for both ceremonies. Gonzalez headed the research team that recovered the remains of Che and his comrades.

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