Cuba reduces infant mortality to 5.3

Down from 6.2 in one year

Havana, Apr 7 (Prensa Latina) Cuba reduced infant mortality in the first quarter of 2006 to 5.3 for each 1,000 born alive, down from the same period in 2005 when it reported 6.2 percent, Cuban health officials reported Friday.

Maria Cecilia Santana, director of Cuban Public Health Ministry?s (MINSAP) Maternal Infant Department, pointed out that this reduction was thanks to the work of all forces of Cuban society.

Santana, a deputy and member of Cuban Assembly's Health and Sports Committee, said the indicator is formed by several components, from climatic to technical.

She highlighted the joint work of MINSAP technicians and society for giving every child and every woman differentiated attention.

The Cuban specialist said that among the main challenges of the MINSAP program are adequate use of human resources and training to respond to the specific situation in each place.


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