Bush regime shows signs of being on verge of collapse say Cuban experts

TV discussion programme analyses the weaknesses of a corrupt and inept administration

Havana, 23 Oct: The government of George W. Bush is showing signs of being on the verge of collapse, said analysts on The Round Table broadcast on Cuban radio and television.

The frustrations in trying to impose a puppet regime in Iraq, the widespread use of torture on prisoners and the deepening corruption scandals, have greatly damaged the credibility of President Bush.

Recent polls show his approval rating is now below 40 percent. The rate of disapproval is at 58 percent according to the most recent poll done by Gallup for CNN and USA Today.

According to social scientists specializing in the study of political affairs, an approval rating of less than 40 percent is very dangerous for a US President.

Another interesting result was offered by a poll done among the black population of the south, where the level of disapproval reached 98 percent.

The huge material losses and deaths caused by hurricane Katrina and its aftermath in several southern states are widely seen as a product of an inept administration.

Some two hundred billion dollars is expected to be spent in the reconstruction of New Orleans. According to several experts the lack of proper emergency preparedness and organization to protect the life of the citizens, especially of the poor, was yet another example of the present state of affairs at the White House.

Recently revealed secret documents about the war in Iraq have shown that

George W. Bush and Tony Blair planned to invade that nation two months before the tragic 9/11/2001 events in New York and Washington, which were used by the Bush administration to justify the invasion. The referendum that took place in Iraq this past Saturday to try to impose a manipulated constitution included an upsurge in acts of aggression from the US troops and its local allies against the people of that nation. An analysis done by several experts on political affairs in

Iraq coincide that far from uniting the people the new constitution will split them even more into different political factions.

The Sunni community's rejection of the constitution undermines the legitimacy of that document, further divides the country and provides a basis for the continuation of the war of resistance. A reality that even Condoleezza Rice has admitted.

The Round Table also reported on the beginning of the trial against former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, a judicial process many political analysts say will use all means to justify the invasion of that nation.

On the home front the president's credibility has been further eroded by his unwavering support for ultra conservative Congressman Tom DeLay, the embattled leader of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives accused of corruption and money laundering.

DeLay is accused of receiving money from at least six companies, including Bacardi Rum, a well known associate of Miami based anti-Cuban terrorist groups. The great majority of the people polled in relation to DeLay's corruption scandal are of the opinion that there are valid reasons to prosecute him.

Another blotch on Bush's image comes from the support that he is giving to Karl Rove, the so called "Brain of the President," who is under investigation over the leaked identity of Valerie Plame, a covert CIA officer, a developing scandal to which Vice President Richard Cheney is linked. The possibility of Cheney having to resign is beginning to be discussed in the US media.

Joseph Wilson, a former US Ambassador to Iraq, and the husband of Valerie Plame, had refuted the arguments used by the White House to launch the invasion of Iraq. Recent press reports show that everything is pointing to the fact that leaking the identity of his wife as a CIA operative was an act of revenge against him that responded to instructions given by Richard Cheney.

The unfavorable situation for the Bush administration is made worse by a threat of growing inflation, the fast drop in the leading economic indicators, an alarming budget deficit and the rising price of oil.

All the above mentioned elements are working against the competitively of the US in world trade and are making a dent in its influence in world affairs.



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