Terror in London: Fidel writes to the Queen

Condolence message on behalf of the Cuban people

Message from President Fidel Castro to the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Her Majesty Elizabeth II

Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Your Majesty:

We have learned with profound consternation of the attack with explosives on the public transportation system in London, which has claimed dozens of human lives and left hundreds injured.

At this time of mourning for the United Kingdom, permit me to express to you and your people our heartfelt condolences.

I can assure you that the Cuban people, who have been a victim of terrorism for more than four decades, share your grief and condemn this unjustifiable attack on the British people.

I would like to express our sincere solidarity, and at the same time, reiterate my declaration of my highest regards.

Fidel Castro Ruz

President of the Council of State and Government of the Republic of Cuba



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