Scottish MSP to seek meeting with Fidel during anti-terrorism conference

Rosie Kane expresses Cuban solidarity

Edinburgh, May 29:Scottish Socialist Party MSP Rosie Kane is to seek a meeting with Cuba's leader Fidel Castro to express support for his stance against the US Government.

She has been invited to speak at a conference in Havana on Thursday.

The conference will urge the US to extradite two men with alleged links to the bombing of a Cuban airliner that claimed 73 lives three decades ago.

Ms Kane wants to tell the Cuban leader that people in Scotland stand shoulder to shoulder with his people.

She said: "I am going to Cuba in the spirit of international solidarity for truth and justice and I'll be taking the message that the people of Scotland stand alongside the people of Cuba in opposition to the warmongers in the White House.

"From Cambuslang to Cuba the brutality and greed of capitalism can be seen easily with the naked eye.

'Message of solidarity'

"The same speeches can be translated from community to community; from motorway to blockade, same problem and same solution.

"I will be seeking a meeting with Fidel Castro so that I can deliver a message of solidarity and unity from the Scottish Socialist Party to the people of Cuba against the US blockade."

Earlier this month Venezuela formally requested the extradition of Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles from the US to face charges in connection with the 1976 Cubana flight bombing.

The 77-year-old denies involvement in the atrocity.

However, Castro and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez have accused US President George Bush of hypocrisy for not enabling Posada to face charges while waging a war on terror following the 11 September attacks on the US in 2001.

The conference, Against terrorism, for truth and justice, will also demand that the US hands over Orlando Bosch, who organisers allege has been linked to the bombing by US intelligence agencies.

Story from BBC NEWS:


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