US to blame for all terrorism against Cuba,says Fidel

Cuban leader details sordid history

Havana, May 12: Cuban President Fidel Castro laid blame on the United States government for all acts of terrorism against Cuba, accusing Washington of initially using war criminals fleeing the island immediately after the revolution.

In a special televised appearance Thursday, the Cuban leader labelled these individuals “assassins” who sought refuge in the US with money stolen from the republic. He added that these funds were then used to finance early sabotage activities, with the US government later financing those operations.

Fidel referred to the close ties between terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and Cuban-American leader Jorge Mas Canosa, and how the two – according to FBI reports – first became acquainted while receiving military training.

The Cuban president pointed out that Mas Canosa sponsored terrorism against Cuba and created the right wing Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) during the Reagan administration. At that time, George Bush (father) was vice president.

With the creation of the CANF, anti-Cuba elements began to muster funds to finance terrorism and created a political lobby – first supporting congressional representatives and later Senators with the foundation’s funds. Some of these same funds were given to Posada Carriles to support his campaign of bombings and assassination.

The leader of the Cuban Revolution posed the question as to who created and invented terrorism, who had committed thousands of activities of this type, and who had initiated terrorist activities in the western hemisphere, pointing out that the US later began to contract mercenaries to serve in counter-revolutionary wars for the United States.

He added that terrorism today, which has expanded throughout the world, was born in the United States. It grew alongside plans to assassinate leaders. These were not plans of individuals or organization as in other eras, he asserted, but plans by state institutions.

The Cuban leader added that terrorists and terrorist organizations were set up to carry out activities caused the deaths of several thousands of American citizens in the attack on the Twin Towers. He noted that roughly the same number of people has died in Cuba by the similar terrorist actions by the US government.

He pointed out that the first of those attacks was the invasion at the Bay of Pigs, an act that Fidel characterized as treason and a violation of all ethics.

Fidel highlighted the importance of documents declassified by the US National Security Archives of Georgetown University. These documents have been widely referred to in various editorials and news articles in the United States and other countries, said the Cuban leader, while reading an article published in Thursday’s San Francisco Chronicle which said Posada Carriles deserves to be tried as a terrorist. To allow him to hide from his crimes in Florida should not be an option for this terrorist, read the item.

The Cuban President also mentioned an article from the Sun Sentinel that stressed Washington needs to be clear on what it knows about Posada Carriles? activities, including any dirty work that could have been ordered by the White House.

In reference to the documents, the Cuban President noted that there are 14 in total, the majority of which are from the FBI and few from the CIA. All were declassified by the director of the NSC and fall under five principal categories: 1) terrorist conspiracy, 2) CIA connections, 3) the bombing of Cubana Flight 455, 4) Orlando Bosch and anti-Castro terrorist organizations and 5) Iran Contras and Posada.

Fidel denounced US intelligence institutions which openly knew of the terrorist character of the actions and of the individuals involved.

He commented that the most scandalous documents exposes Orlando Bosch?s criminal record and the role of the Coordinating United Revolutionary Organizations (CORU) in the bombing of Cubana airliner in 1976.


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