Russian-Cuban child genius, aged 11, invents 3D TV

Plus a refrigerator that doesn't need electricity

A Russian-Cuban child aged 11 has astounded Russia’s scientific community with various revolutionary inventions like a 3-D image television and a refrigerator that doesn’t need electricity.

Ernesto Yevgueni Sánchez Shaida, the son of a Russian mother and Cuban father and resident in the Siberian region of Altai, was announced in his region as the great revelation of a scientific conference and the outright winner of a competition among talented youth.

The scientists at the conference in the Technical University of Barnaul, the regional capital, were amazed when the child presented around a dozen industrial inventions, some of them unprecedented.

The central pieces for the experts, including Russian academics of international renown and foreign scientists from France to Finland, was the television with the three-dimensional images and a refrigeration system that works without electricity.

The main Russian television networks screened footage of the university experts’ council session in which the child demonstrated the key aspects of his inventions to the specialists.


The child has designed a refrigeration installation that operates without a compressor and does not require electricity, an invention that is more than useful in a region where the energy restrictions affecting many areas of Russia, or even in his father’s homeland, have been felt.

“I devoted myself to this because our fridge at home broke down and I asked my dad to explain how the systems works, and then found other materials in the library until I found a way of solving the problem,” he explained to the NTV network.

In reference to his TV he said that his set is distinguished from existing ones in terms of the stereoscopic effect in which the 3-D images are found with liquid crystal indicators and thus, “exist in reality,” giving the effect of volume.

The Technical University of Barnaul is to take charge of organizing the patents for the two inventions, unique in their genre, as the official news agency Itar-Tass was informed by Vladimir Yevstigneyev, dean of the institute and president of the organizing committee.

The application will be made by the council of experts at the University’s Physics, Technology and Astronomy Center, which fulfilled one of Ernesto’s lifelong dreams by presenting him with a personal computer with an Internet connection.

Interviewed by television stations and news agency throughout Russia the child confided that when he finishes his studies he wants to devote himself to research and fulfill two dreams: to get a computer to patent his inventions and to travel to Cuba, his father’s homeland.

Ernesto is the son of Tatiana Shaida and Ernesto Enrique Sánchez – a naval engineer – who met in 1981 in Odessa, now the Ukraine, but 10 years later when the USSR collapsed, moved to Siberia.

Ernesto was born that same year and four years later, his sister Magarita Dania.

Ernesto Yevgueni is a genius and is known as such by everyone in his school in Rubtsovsk in southern Siberia, where next year he will complete his secondary studies despite his youth, comments the Interfax agency.

But now his case is being examined by scientists and professors from the Center for the Assistance of Super-Gifted Children at Barnaul, after the verification that Ernesto is a consummate inventor of the most complicated mechanisms.

He has already demonstrated his capacity as a child prodigy, as he learnt to read at two years and seven months and soon displayed a great love for physics and math books, as well as the narrative of Siberian author Vasili Shutshin.

When his teachers perceived his intellectual capacity, they advanced him three years and now, without help, he is learning the manuals corresponding to the final years of secondary school.

“He’s a genius, he has a talent for everything, as he’s not only an inventor but also paints, composes music and writes poetry and prose,” a fascinated Nina Ilichova, dean of the State University of Altai, told a television channel.


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