US denies academic James Petras permission to travel to Cuba

Left wing political scientist cannot attend book fair

Havana, Dec 20: US left-wing political scientist James Petras has had to apologize to the organizers of the 24th International Book Fair, due to take place on February 3-13 in Havana, for his absence, as the US State Department has denied him a permit to travel to attend.

Petras was also to attend the 8th International Meeting of Economists on Globalization and Development (February 7-11) in Havana.

Petras has joined voices all over the world that honestly oppose the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, and denounced the White House hostility against Havana, calling it a prelude to an eventual military attack on the Island.

He has conducted several economic, political and social researches on the so called 'new' world order imposed by the major powers.

Petras has been a frequent guest to Latin American and European universities. He has termed the Free Trade Area for the Americas (FTAA) a new way of imposing colonization on education and pedagogy of oppression.

This prohibition comes on top of all measures approved by President George W. Bush last June, aimed at further strengthening Washington?s over 40-year economic, commercial and financial blockade on Cuba.{0D0486F8-209B-40F1-8910-F0C706933164}&language=EN


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