US military aircraft transmit Radio and TV Martí to Cuba

Miami Herald reports cheers as provocations begin

Florida August 22: Cuban-American lawmakers were reported as cheering by the Miami Herald as US military aircraft started to transmit Radio and TV Martí to Cuban audiences – one of the Bush regime's new measures to undermine the Cuban revolutionary government.

"For the people of Cuba to get an unfiltered transmission of information is a great thing," said US Senate candidate Mel Martínez, who co-chaired the presidential commission that recommended the flights.

Martínez said White House staffers called to deliver the news that C-130 cargo planes had managed to override jamming efforts by the Cuban authorities.

However, the flights are illedal under international broadcasting law and extremely dangeroius as it means that US military planes are now flying close to Cuban airspace.

The Cuban authoiries have said they will not be responsible for the consequences if the planes fly into Cuiban airspace or endanger life by entering passenger air corridors.

Bush allocated $18 million in May to pay for the flights.


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