Kevin Courtney elected as new CSC chair

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign elected a new chairperson at its AGM in June. Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretary of National Education Union, was unanimously elected after Diana Holland retired from the role she had held for twelve years.

In welcoming Kevin to the role, CSC Secretary Bernard Regan noted that Kevin was Joint General Secretary of the third largest union in the TUC, and the biggest education union in Europe. Kevin is also the International Spokesperson for the TUC.

Kevin said: “I am delighted to have been elected as Chairperson of CSC, an organisation I have supported for many years. CSC has done an amazing job of solidarity with Cuba and has managed to put the issue at the forefront of the Trade Union movement in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. This is an area where I want to help to further develop our links and campaigning in the coming years. Opposition to the illegal, unjust blockade of Cuba by the US government is a central issue for our time. The Cuban people should be able to determine their own future, building on the huge success of their education and health systems. Viva Cuba!”

Bernard Regan also gave special thanks to the outgoing Chair Diana Holland at the CSC AGM in June. Diana was the Assistant General Secretary of Unite, she was on the Labour Party NEC and was Treasurer of the Labour Party. Despite playing all those roles she had been firmly committed to the cause of Cuba and had been a pleasure to work with.

Diana said “It really has been a wonderful honour to be the Chairperson of CSC for the past twelve years. I have enjoyed working with so many committed and hard working members and affiliates who do such an amazing job in solidarity with the people of Cuba. While I am standing down as Chairperson I will certainly continue to work hard in solidarity with Cuba, and hope to help in the campaign to finally end the blockade once and for all.”


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