TUC Black Workers in solidarity with Cuba

At a packed Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC) fringe meeting at TUC Black Workers Conference, on Friday 26 May, speakers rallied support for solidarity with Cuba amongst Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority workers.

Chair Roger McKenzie, International Editor at the Morning Star, introduced the meeting and spoke passionately about Cuba’s inspirational internationalism, including the critical role the nation played in ending apartheid in South Africa. He noted that one of the great things about being involved in the work of CSC is the “sense of bravery and inspiration I get from the Cuban people” as they continue to resist US imperialism.

National Education Union delegates Niparun Nessa & Dalian Adolfo spoke about their experiences on their respective October half- term delegations to Cuba in recent years.

Niparun praised the focus that they place on the arts in the Cuban system. “They live and breathe the arts”, she said, contrasting this to the UK where arts and music teachers are leaving the profession, not to be replaced. Dalian highlighted the impressive way that Cuba and its education system have been able to adapt under difficult circumstances. “Cuba is a shining example of how creative problem solving can meet any challenge – even a decades long, criminal blockade”, he said.

Nina Reece, Unite member and Policy & Campaigns Support Officer in the Rights, International, Social and Economics department at the TUC, reported back from this year’s Young Trade Unionists’ May Day Brigade. Speaking about her visit to ‘La Castellana’, a centre for children, young people and adults with special educational needs and disabilities in Havana, Nina said that “Cuba is looking after its vulnerable people far better than we are here in the UK.”

Cuban Ambassador to the UK Bárbara Montalvo Álvarez updated delegates on how the US blockade was continuing to strangle Cuba’s economy, with damages during the first 14 months of President Biden’s administration estimated at over $15 million per day. The Ambassador highlighted how this situation, and the impact it has on the lives of ordinary Cubans, was made significantly worse with the nation’s inclusion on the US’s government’s spurious ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ list.

Closing the session, CSC executive member Hector Wesley urged delegates in attendance to get involved with the campaign, by signing up as individual members and by making sure their union branches and regions are affiliated to the campaign. “Help us end this unjust, criminal blockade once and for all.”

CSC would once again like to thank Thompsons Solicitors for providing the meeting room and sponsoring the fringe meeting.


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