TUC Black Workers Cuba fringe meeting

CSC invites all delegates to the TUC Black Workers Conference 2023 to:

Cuba under blockade: Fighting sanctions and building solidarity

Friday 26 May, 5.30pm, Thompsons Conference Suite, 6th Floor, Congress House

with guest speakers
Bárbara Montalvo Álvarez, Cuban ambassador to UK
Hector Wesley, PCS and CSC executive member
Report back from NEU and Young Trade Unionists’ May Day delegations from:
Niparun Nessa, Oldham NEU
Dalian Adolfo, Brent NEU
Nina Reece, Unite
Chair: Roger McKenzie, Morning Star International Editor

Cuba faces severe shortages as a world economic crisis exacerbates the existing hardships caused by an inhumane 61 year old US blockade. In addition, Cuba’s inclusion on the US government’s spurious ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ list is further strangling economic development and resources. Recent NEU and May Day delegation participants will give eye witness accounts on how Cubans are resisting despite current difficulties, as well as practical measures that union members can take to help and demonstrate their solidarity.

Many thanks to Thompsons Solicitors for their support for the fringe meeting


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