Event: Dr José Ramón Cabañas on US-Cuba relations

On 31 January, Dr José Ramón Cabañas, director of the Research Centre for International Policy (CIPI, Centro de Investigaciones de la Política Internacional) will be speaking to the UCL Institute of Americas about his new book Anuncios del 17 De Diciembre de 2014 en La Habana y Washington D. C..

The book documents and explains the background and significance of the historic moment when Presidents Raúl Castro and Barack Obama announced the restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States after over 50 years.

Dr Cabañas was head of Cuba’s US Interests Section on December 17 2014 and became Ambassador the the US after the announcement. During 37 years in the Cuban diplomatic service, he has also served as Deputy Minister of Foreign Relations, Director of Consular Affairs, Ambassador to Austria and a member of Cuban delegations to the United Nations General Assembly.

You can book your free ticket to the talk on Eventbrite here.

Date and time: Tuesday, 31 January 2023, 17:30 – 19:00 GMT

Location: Lecture Theatre G03, UCL London, 26 Bedford Way, WC1H 0DS


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