British parliamentarians send message of condolence

Grahame Morris MP has sent a message of condolence on behalf of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cuba to the Cuban people following the fires at the Matanzas oil tanker storage plant. The message sent on Monday 8 August states:

On behalf of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cuba in the UK we send our deepest condolences to the Cuban people and especially those of the families of the deceased and injured in Matanzas following the incident at the tanker storage facility on Friday evening.

We are saddened to hear of the loss of life and the missing firefighters in the tragedy. We thank all of those countries which are also providing help to Cuba to contain the blaze and hope that our own government and others will follow their lead and support Cuba to recover from this terrible accident, as Cuba has always supported other countries in times of need.

Our solidarity goes out to all those affected by this tragedy and we hope that the fires will be contained soon and the healing and recovery can begin.

Grahame Morris MP

Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cuba, 8 August 2022


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