More than £22,000 raised for COVID-19 Medical Appeal

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is grateful to everyone who has donated to the COVID-19 Medical Appeal which was launched on 13 April. In just two weeks we have raised more than £22,000. A huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far including friends from the Norwegian solidarity campaign, your support is much appreciated.

The first £8,700 we received has already been spent on raw materials which were urgently needed for the manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines across the island. These were purchased in Europe and have been shipped to Cuba. We are now working closely with PharmaCuba, a national Cuban biotech company, to source and deliver further items to assist with the vaccine roll out for the Cuban people.

As you are probably aware, the US blockade makes financial transactions and shipping materials to the island incredibly complicated, sometimes even preventing donations to European based organisations fundraising for Cuba.However, we have been able to ensure that all donations have been successfully processed, and we are now following Cuba guidance to source, purchase and deliver essential products for vaccine production.

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign covers the costs of all banking and transfer charges to ensure every penny donated goes directly towards buying essential medical supplies in the fight against COVID-19.

Further details of income from the appeal and what it has been used for will be updated on our website. Please help to raise awareness of this appeal with your friends, family and colleagues by sharing it on social media and by email.

You can make a donation here.


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