EVENT: The ‘Year of Education’ Celebrating teachers and the 60th Anniversary of the Cuba’s National Literacy Campaign

The ‘Year of Education’
Celebrating teachers and the 60th Anniversary of the Cuba’s National Literacy Campaign

NEU Conference fringe meeting
Wednesday 7 April, 3.30-4.30pm

with guest speakers from Cuba
Niurka Gonzalez Obera, General Secretary, Cuban Education Union (SNTECD)
Volunteer brigadistas of the 1961 Literacy Campaign
Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretary, NEU
Alpha Kane, Literacy brigades specialist
Karen Parkin, NEU Executive, Cuba delegation 2019
Chair: Bernard Regan, CSC Secretary, NEU Trustee

In 1961 more than 200,000 volunteer brigadistas helped eradicate illiteracy in Cuba within 12 months. Join us to celebrate this remarkable feat, along with three of the inspirational women who took part in this campaign, and speakers on education in Cuba today and the challenges of teaching under six decades of US blockade.

Zoom link


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