Claudia Webbe MP nominates Cuban medics for Nobel Peace Prize

Claudia Webbe, has become the 6th Member of the UK Parliament to have formally nominated Cuba’s Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Claudia was elected in December 2019 to represent the constituency Leicester East.

In her nomination submission Claudia Webbe MP said:

“Over the past fifteen years, around 10,000 members of the Henry Reeve International Brigade have saved 90,000 lives during natural disasters and health emergencies. I believe that their selfless internationalism deserves recognition.”

Claudia Webbe MP said:

“It has been truly inspiring to witness the selfless humanitarian actions of Cuba using its experience and professionalism to assist other countries to combat COVID-19. Coronavirus affects people regardless of their nationality and Cuba has shown just how countries that are able, can help those who need assistance regardless of their political persuasion or current state of conflict; the brave actions of Cuba’s Henry Reeve Medical Brigade have undoubtedly saved many lives. I believe their solidarity, humanitarianism and internationalism is fully deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize.”


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