Kate Osborne MP nominates Cuban medics for Nobel Peace Prize

Kate Osborne, has become the 5th Member of the British Parliament to have formally nominated Cuba’s Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. Kate was elected in December 2019 to represent the constituency of Jarrow, in the North East of England.

In her nomination submission Kate Osborne MP explained that the Cuban doctors have travelled to 38 countries, treating over 300,000 patients, to assist local health workers in the struggle against COVID-19.

She said:

“I agree with Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health Organization, who summed up their role in September 2014 when she said: “Cuba is famous throughout the world because of its capacity to train excellent doctors and nurses. It is also famous for its generosity and solidarity toward developing countries”.

Kate Osborne MP spoke about the work of the Henry Reeve brigade over the past 15 years.

“They have cared for more than four million patients in the aftermath of epidemics and natural disasters, including floods, earthquakes and hurricanes in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. For the great example they set and the hope they bring to people across the globe, they would be a worthy recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.”


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