Fighting blockades & COVID-19: Why US sanctions in Latin America must end!

Hosted by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group and Venezuela Solidarity Campaign

Hear speakers from Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela discuss the impact that US policies are having on their people and why we need to step up the campaign of solidarity and for the blockades and sanctions to end.

In the depths of a global health crisis international co-operation can save lives. But while Cuba has sent medical brigades to help fight COVID-19 in 38 countries, the US government under Donald Trump has tightened sanctions against Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, preventing access to vital PPE and ventilators. In the run up to the presidential elections, Trump has courted the most right-wing and reactionary sectors of the Latino diaspora with promises of more intervention and aggression.

Guest speakers:

  • Her Excellency Bárbara Elena Montalvo Álvarez, Cuban Ambassador to the United Kingdom
  • Sofia Clark, Master of International Law, Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann Centre for Development Studies, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN)
  • Plus speakers from Venezuela and other guests to be confirmed
  • Chair: Christine Blower, Labour member of the House of Lords and former General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers

Date And Time:

2:30pm – 4:00pm

Saturday October 3rd 2020

Register for the event here:


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