MPs send solidarity and appreciation to Cuba for humanitarian work during covid-19 pandemic

Grahame Morris MP, chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cuba in the British parliament sent a message of solidarity to the Cuban people and appreciation for the work of Cuban medical brigades during the coronavirus pandemic on 20 May.

In a video message recorded for the Cuban parliament, he contrasts the international solidarity shown by Cuba to countries fighting the virus to the US’s tightening of its blockade against the island even further in recent months.

The MP for Easington recently coordinated a letter signed by 51 British MPs asking for the US blockade to be suspended to allow for the delivery of emergency aid to the island during the current global health crisis.

The letter cited several international organisations also calling for the blockade to be suspended, including the United Nations which has urged the US to allow medicine, medical equipment, food and other goods into Cuba to enable it to respond effectively and save lives.

Mr Morris also submitted written parliamentary questions to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on the issue in May.

The video message has been shared on the Cuban National Assembly’s website.


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