EU renews its diplomatic sanctions on Cuba

Policy to be continued say Foreign Ministers

June 14: The EU has agreed to renew its diplomatic sanctions against the Cuba despite calls for a renewed dialogue with the island.

Limitations of high level visits and reduced ties with the Cuban authorities at official engagements will continue, it emerged earlier today.

Foreign Ministers meeting in Luxembourg approved the extension of the measures without discussion following a ambassadorial meeting in Brussels on Thursday.

They said a lack of improvement in the human rights situation on the island was the cause.

The diplomatic sanctions have resulted ina severe downturn in relations between the EU and Havana.

However, the 25 EU member states also rejected any unilateral measures against Cuba which would be contrary to commonly accepted principles of international trade.

The EU has been heavily criticised by the Cuban government for failing to agree a policy that distances it form the United States.

Unless the EU changes its policy, there is little chance of an improvement in relations between Havana and Brussels soon.


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