Cuba clarifies statement made on radio station on Ronald Reagan

Statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ON June 7, Cuban radio station issued judgements and commentaries on recently deceased former US president, Ronald Reagan. Immediately, the international media echoed the aforementioned comments, presenting them as an official declaration by the Cuban authorities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received instructions from the leadership of the Cuban Revolution to clarify that the commentaries made on the radio station were not an official statement by Cuban authorities nor do they express any official opinion.

President Ronald Reagan was a tenacious opponent of the Cuban Revolution, but Cuban revolutionaries possess a sense of ethics and honor that is incompatible with the idea of issuing critical judgements or attacks at what is a moment of profound sorrow for his family. That has been and will always be the conduct of the Cuban people and leadership.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Havana, June 10, 2004


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