Cuba reopens dollar stores

Price rises announced

May 24: Cuba’s dollar shops reopened on Monday 24 May with prices rises of an average of 15 per cent.

The stores were closed abruptly on May 6 in response to the announcement by the Bush regime of new measures hardening the 44 year-old illegal trade and investment blockade of the island.

But in an article on the front page of the Cuban daily newspaper Granma of 24 May the people were informed that the stores would reopen that day.

The newspaper explained that the reason for closing the stores was to ensure that excessive buying of goods did not take place in the immediate days following the Bush announcement in order that black marketeers could not take advantage of the situation in order to profit later when prices increased.

A thorough calculation had been made of all the stock in hand in some 5,000 stores across the nation and a careful calculation was made of the increases that were necessary.

Most prices for essential goods have increased by some 10 per cent, whereas luxury items have gone up by up to 25 per cent. There has been a 22 per cent increase in the price of petrol.

The newspaper praised the Cuban people for the patience, trust and restraint they had shown during the period in which the stores were closed – proof once again of the strength of the revolution.

Not one incident or robbery was reported at any of the stores during the period in which they were closed.

The increased income from the new prices will be used to ensure that the heavily subsidised ration is maintained so that all those in the country who have little access to foreign currency will have an assured supply of food and essentials and the increased spending on health, education and social security that was planned in the budget will be fulfilled.


To read the message in Spanish visit:

For western coverage of the news see for example:


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