ICAP Message to the Solidarity Movement with Cuba

“We have been able to enjoy the privilege of your friendship, of your solidarity, of your battles against the blockade, against the aggressions on Cuba, because you are not warriors, nor launchers of atomic bombs. What is a blockade? A silent atomic weapon that kills women, men, children, adolescents; that is the blockade.” – Fidel Castro Ruz, Cuban Mission to UN, New York, 1995

Dear friends,

The hostile announcement of the US Government on Friday, June 16, differs and opposes diametrically from the growing desire and struggle of the American people to achieve a total normalisation of relations between their country and Cuba and the lifting of the genocidal blockade that has been applied against our homeland for more than fifty years.

The Cubans and the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples are grateful to all solidarity organisations from all over the world that have been supporting for years the right of our nation to defend its sovereignty, independence and self-determination.

Countless, in such a short period of time, have been the messages received at ICAP with words of friendship and true respect for our country and against the reversion of the exchanges between both nations and their peoples that President Donald Trump expressed threateningly in his wrong speech.

We know that this demand has reached the most dissimilar corners of the world demonstrating once again that there is no policy limiting the friendship ties between any people and the Cuban homeland, to which courageous and solidarity soldiers representing other nationalities along with Cuban patriots, also offered their lives for its freedom and independence.

If anything we are aware of, is that in the future the actions against the blockade will have to continue, and the efforts to dismantle this policy will be our main objective as this is the most flagrant violation of the Cuban people´s human rights. In the new battles to be fought with these noble and indestructible purposes we know that we can count, as ever, on you.

The struggle continues, the victory is certain!

Long live solidarity!

Ever onward to victory!

Fernando González Llort
ICAP President
ICAP (Instituto Cubano de Amistad con los Pueblos – Cuban Institute for Friendship With the Peoples)
Jun 26, 2017


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