Urgent update and action on the Miami Five Freedom Tour

As of today, 5 July 2016, René González and Gerardo Hernández have still not received their visas to travel to Britain for the Miami Five Freedom Tour. Although the visas have not been denied, the Home Office has stated that the case is ‘complex’ and has not given a date for the final visa decision.

CSC is asking members, affiliates and supporters to take urgent action to contact their MPs and others to speak directly to relevant government ministers in the Home Office and Ministry of Justice to urge them to issue the visas.

Last week we applied for a judicial review to pressure the Home Office to issue the visas in accordance with the previous succesful November 2015 legal ruling on this issue. An oral hearing is due before the judge on Wednesday.

CSC is still hopeful of getting the visas in time for René and Gerardo to travel. However, with time running out there is a real possibility that they will be thwarted again by the Home Office delaying the final decision. We do not want this to happen. Please help in whatever way you can by taking action today.

You can write to your MP here.

Thank you for your support

Cuba Solidarity Campaign


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