Cuba pays tribute to Ken Cameron

CSC was extremely saddened to learn of the death of Ken Cameron, the former General Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), who died on 16 May aged 74.

Ken had been a longtime friend to Cuba and the Campaign since his time as General Secretary and both CSC and the Cuban trade union confederation (CTC) sent messages to the FBU paying tribute to his internationalism.

The executive of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign sent a message praising Ken’s long-standing commitment to internationalism and support for the people of Cuba:

“Ken was a wonderful friend to the working people of Cuba. As FBU General Secretary, he was part of the long and proud tradition of international solidarity shown towards the people of Cuba from trade unionists here in Britain.”

It also paid tribute to the vital role Ken had played in building the solidarity movement in Britain:

“In the early days of CSC it was much more difficult to be seen to support Cuba. A number of key individuals made clear their support for the Cuban people and for the Cuban trade unions in the face of the international campaign trying to demonise the island. This support was crucial. It opened the door for the development of the successful solidarity movement in the UK which has seen our trade unions at the forefront of the campaigns against the blockade and for freedom for the Miami Five. Ken Cameron was one of those key individuals and we will be forever grateful for his brave and principled position through those years.

“Ken will be sorely missed by all of us at the Cuba Solidarity Campaign. His passing will certainly be mourned in Cuba. His tireless work for the betterment of humankind was an inspiration. The best tribute we can give is to once again strengthen the struggle for an end to the US Blockade and for Cuba’s right to follow their own chosen path to continue to build their socialist society built on the principle of human cooperation and solidarity, principals for which Ken Cameron worked for all his life.”

The Central de Trabajadores de Cuba also sent a message of condolance:

“For the CTC of Cuba and Cuban workers loss it has been a very sensitive because of the historical ties of friendship that united us.

“Ken was the precursor of the strengthening relations between the CTC and the British trade union movement and a staunch defender of our Cuban revolution.

“He was not only a defender of the rights of workers in his country; he was a figure that was highlighted in the international solidarity with the needy and oppressed peoples, the peoples of the third world.

“The Cuban trade union movement has lost a real friend, a brother in the struggle and ideas, an internationalist comrade, a natural leader who always offered his hand to stay together on this long journey to defend the true and fair causes for a better world, someone who always opted for the best option for humanity.

“The Workers’ Central Union of Cuba, on behalf of Cuban workers and its leadership, conveys you its sincere and heartfelt condolences to the FBU, his family and friends and the British workers for his physical loss.

“Ken Cameron will continue with us in the struggle, in our victories and in the hearts of all those who defend the best and most noble causes for the benefit of workers and their families.”

Read the full CSC message here.


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