Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter Spring 2016 edition

The Spring 2016 issue of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign’s Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter is now available for download here. The newsletter contains the latest news on Cuba and CSC with particular emphasis on our work with trade unions.

This issue includes:

– Miami Five Freedom Tour: Your help needed
– NUT Fringe Meeting report and October half-term Cuba delegation news
– End the blockade now! A new model motion available for trade unions
– Trade Union News Round Up

To affiliate your branch to CSC, please either affiliate online here or contact Ollie Hopkins, Campaign Officer, on Affiliating is solidarity in action against the US blockade for just £40 a year. Affiliates also recieve:

– Our quarterly journal CubaSí; packed full of the latest Cuban news, campaign work and music, book and film reviews

– Advice on study tours and twinning options with sister unions in Cuba

– Access to speakers and materials for meetings, events and conferences

– Additional briefings and campaign materials

– Voting rights at the Cuba Solidarity Campaign AGM


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