Miami Five Freedom Walk

Sponsored walk – Sunday 3 July 2016

Have fun while fundraising for the Miami Five Freedom Tour

Two years ago CSC supporters and friends joined together on what turned into a marvellous day of sunshine, solidarity and fundraising for the campaign for freedom and justice for the Miami Five. Together they raised over £3,000. Little did we know then that Gerardo, Ramon and Antonio were so close to being released. We very much hope that this year you will come again, but also bring friends and family to help make the Miami Five Freedom Walk an even bigger event.

This year all the funds raised from the Walk will go towards the Miami Five Freedom tour of the UK this July.

We know members, local groups and affiliates worked tirelessly for justice for the Miami Five over many years, and we are asking everyone to contribute to the costs of bringing the Five to Britain in some way.

The Miami Five Freedom Walk is one way in which you can help.
• Join the Walk and raise sponsorship in advance – there will be special prizes for the best fundraisers!
• Get your friends and family to join the Walk and get sponsorship – you can even form a team!
• Sponsor a friend or group – if you are not able to join the Walk yourself

Whether you pay the minimum £30 needed to join the Walk or raise more you will be equally welcome to come along. The Walk is open to anyone including friends and family who need not be CSC members or indeed even know much about Cuba.

Even if you are not sure whether you will be able to make it and are just interested at this stage do get in touch and we will send you more details.

Please help us to give the Miami Five a great welcome. Please help us by joining the Miami Five Freedom Walk on Sunday 3 July.

About the Walk

Join friends and colleagues on a wonderful walk through the beautiful Chess Valley in the Buckinghamshire countryside.

The Freedom Walk is a 6½ mile circular walk and will take about 4-5 hours at a leisurely pace. The walk is through woods, beside fields and marshes, across the river, along country lanes taking in some amazing views. A shorter walk of 3 miles is also possible, which takes about 2.5 hours.

Begins and ends near the Chalfont and Latimer tube station on the Metropolitan underground line, from central London. There is car parking available.

Each walker is asked to raise a minimum sponsorship of £30 (£5 children) and will receive a special T shirt, a bar of delicious Cuban chocolate and badge. There will be a coordinated refreshment stop at one of the historic pubs along the way.

Chess Valley Highlights

There’s something for everyone on this walk.

For bird watchers – the chance to see herons, swans, water rails, woodpeckers and kingfishers.

For children – the chance to walk between fields with cows, horses and Shetland ponies and to see a weather cock with a cow not a cock on it.

For walkers – the chance to walk through the full range of English countryside in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – across the rolling hills of the Chilterns, on bridges over water meadows, through ancient woodlands on paths covered with beech and oak leaves and through green tunnels of laurel and rhododendron.

For those interested in history – there is Chenies Manor, a step gabled and brick turreted Tudor manor house, built in 1460 and visited by Henry VIII and Elizabeth 1st. There are 19th century alms houses built by the Earl of Bedford and the village of Sarratt, with its Norman church, its village green half a mile long with duckponds and lined with a wonderful range of 18th and 19th century houses, each built in an individual style.

And finally there’s the only remaining water cress farm in the Chess valley where spring water bubbling up from the ground at 10 degrees C allows the cress to grow throughout the year. You can buy a bunch to take home to remind you of this wonderful walk!]



For further information please contact the CSC Office
Tel: 020 7490 5715 or Email:


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