New Guantánamo leaflet for 2016

CSC has produced a new leaflet to raise awareness and support the campaign to return the illegally occupied Guantánamo Bay area to Cuba.

Since 2002 Guantánamo has become known for the illegal detentions and human rights abuses carried out at the US prison camp in eastern Cuba.

Far less publicised is the fact that a US naval base has operated on occupied Cuban territory for more than 110 years – most of them without Cuban consent and against international law.

It is not enough for the United States to simply close the prison. The US government must shut down the base, end the occupation and withdraw its military from Cuba today!

The leaflet can be downloaded here

To request hard-copy versions of the leaflets please get in touch with the CSC office today

Click here for more CSC leaflets and here for more CSC factsheets


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