Press Release: The Metropolitan Police should apologise for associating Cuba with their terror attack simulation

Press release: 1 July 2015

A simulation terrorist attack – codenamed Strong Tower – included one of the terrorist attackers wearing a Cuban flag t-shirt. The operation, which involved over 1,000 police officers at locations across London took place on Tuesday 30 June and was widely reported on the TV, newspapers and social media.

The Metropolitan Police exercise featured three police officers acting as terrorists carrying weapons and wearing balaclavas. All were dressed in black, apart from one who was wearing a Cuba flag t-shirt, clearly recognisable in filmed footage.

For an exercise as high profile as Strong Tower – surely every detail will have been planned – including the clothes of the three terrorists. The Cuba Solidarity Campaign believes that to dress one in the Cuban national flag, sends a message that Cuba is associated with terrorism.

Rob Miller CSC director said: “The Cuba Solidarity Campaign calls on the Metropolitan Police to apologise for the misguided decision to dress a ‘terrorist’ in a Cuban flag t-shirt when in fact the Cuban people themselves have been the victims of numerous terrorist attacks.

The cruel irony is that the United States has just removed Cuba from their so-called “List of State Sponsors of Terrorism” – a list they should never have been on in the first place. In fact, Cuba has been a victim of terrorist attacks from US-based groups over the last 55 years, which have left 3,478 dead and 2,099 disabled for life; and many others who were wounded.

“Rather than support terrorism, Cuba continues to be an inspiration with its exemplary health and education systems and its internationalism. On the same day as the Strong Tower operation, the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced that Cuba has become the first country in the world to eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis.

“Despite being under an illegal blockade for over half a century, Cuba’s achievements and internationalism are an inspiration. Whether in post-earthquake Nepal, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa; Cuba provides professionals and training where it is needed in the world. There are currently 65,000 Cuban internationalists working in 89 developing countries.

“CSC believes that the decision to dress a terrorist in a Cuban flag is symptomatic of decades of anti-Cuba propaganda, which makes such outrageous incidents as this appear acceptable. CSC asks, would it be acceptable if the terrorist had a USA flag or a French flag? If this is not acceptable, why Cuba?”


Notes to editors:

CSC has written a letter to the Metropolitan Police requesting an apology.

Campaign The Cuba Solidarity Campaign works to raise awareness of the illegal US blockade of Cuba and defends Cuba’s right to independence and self-determination, free from outside interference.


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