Cuba sessions at Latin America 2014

The 10th annual Latin America Conference brings together political leaders, trade unionists, NGOs, academics & progressive movements to explore recent developments across the region, along with films and music showcasing Latin American culture.

*Focus on Cuba at Latin America 2014*

Dr Aleida Guevara, Che's daughter, will speak at two special Cuba seminars. In the morning she will be joined by writer Seumas Milne and others to discuss ‘Cuba's response to the Ebola crisis and 50 years of Cuban international assistance'. And in the afternoon, she speaks with Goerge Galloway MP in the session 'Cuba: the revolution continues. Ending the blockade – freeing the Miami 5'.

Britain's leading experts on the Cuban economy, workforce and society, Dr Steve Ludlam and Dr Tony Kapcia,from Sheffield and Nottingham universities will give an insight into the country's recent economic reforms in the seminar ‘Change in Cuba: Workers, leaders and the politics of building sustainable socialism'.

The closing rally ‘Building Solidarity: No to US Intervention'

provides an opportunity to hear for the first time from the new Cuban Ambassador, Teresita Vicente, Charge d'Affaires interim. Plus lunchtime sessions also feature Cuban films and the launch of a new book on environmental justice.

Stalls, films, music and over 20 more sessions will provide insights into the history, culture, politics and progressive currents and threats in the region. And you can celebrate the end of conference with Fiesta Latina at Bolivar Hall, featuring live music from Latin America plus Latin beats, food & drinks.

Latin America 2014

Saturday 29 November, 9.15am-5pm

Congress House, Gt Russell St, London


Advance Conference tickets £10 waged / £8 unwaged

Fiesta Latina tickets £7 / £5 when bought with Conference ticket

Call 020 7490 5715 and pay by credit/debit card

Send a cheque payable to ‘CSC' to CSC, c/o Unite, 33-37 Moreland Street, London EC1V 8BB.


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