URGENT MEETINGS: Protest against UK denial of visa to René González

Emergency meetings to go ahead with Olga Salaneuva

Olga Salanueva, wife of released Miami Five prisoner René González, will speak at emergency meetings on 8-10 September to protest at the British government’s denial of an entry visa for her husband.

René, the first of the Miami Five to be released, was due to speak at meetings in Liverpool and London to mark the 16th anniversary of their arrests. Despite an invitation from 29 British MPs to address a meeting in parliament and by the TUC to address their Congress in Liverpool, the British government has refused three legal appeals to overturn their decision to deny him entry to the country.

Rene is currently in the middle of visits to Portugal and France, both countries having granted him a visa without issue.

Emergency meetings with Olga Salanueva

Monday 8 September, 5.45pm

CSC Fringe meeting, TUC Congress Liverpool

Liverpool ACC, Room 12,

with guest speakers

Olga Salanueva

Esther Armenteros, Cuban Ambassador

Frances O'Grady, TUC General Secretary (invited)

Len McCluskey, Unite General Secretary

Kevin Courtney, NUT Deputy General Secretary

Bernard Regan, CSC National Secretary

Tuesday 9 September, 7.30pm

The Boardroom, Jack Jones House, 2 Churchill Way, Liverpool

Public meeting-All welcome

Wednesday 10 September, 6.30pm

Committee Room 9, House of Commons, London

hosted by Jeremy Corbyn MP

with Olga Salanueva

Baroness Angela Smith

Elizabeth Woodcraft and Sara Chandler – Barristers and Coordinators of International Commission of Inquiry into the Case of the Five

(Please arrive early to allow time to pass through HoC security)

Please come to protest against the British government's denial of Rene's visa and hear about why he needed to go to the US to defend Cuba, his 13 years in a US prison and 20 months on forced parole in Miami, being denied visitation rights from his wife, and the continuing international campaign for freedom and justice for the remaining prisoners.

Despite pro bono work by barristers on the three legal appeals, extensive court costs have been charged to CSC for challenging the British government’s decision.

Anyone able to help with paying these fees can make a donation here. http://www.voicesforthefive.com/donate/


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