Bacardi: Think before you drink

New campaign leaflets available

Following the Bacardi Corporation’s worldwide advertising campaign, which blitzed much of the UK’s transport network with anti-Cuba propaganda this spring, CSC complained about the content of the adverts to Transport for London (TfL) and the Mayor of London.

CSC pointed out that the advertising was clearly political in nature and was part of Bacardi’s ongoing dispute with the Government of Cuba. As such the campaign run counter to TFL’s own policy of not allowing advertising that relates to a “political cause”.

Boris Johnson, the London mayor responded. His letter “appreciated the concerns” but did not “believe that the advertisements in question contravened TfL’s policy”.

Clearly there is a need to broaden the campaign to explain to as many people as possible the true nature of the Bacardi Corporation’s ongoing aggression against Cuba and support for the US blockade.

CSC has launched a new version of the ‘Bacardi: Think Before You Drink’ leaflet (pictured). We urge all members and organisations to do all they can to raise awareness about the Bacardi issue and wherever possible encourage retailers, bars and the public to stock, supply and buy genuine Cuban rum rather than Bacardi.

The new leaflets are available free on request from the national office. Just email or call 020 7490 5715.

As well as the leaflets the Book ‘Bacardi: the Hidden War’ continues to be an excellent resource for all campaigners and is available online at or by calling the office.


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