Walk for Cuba

A wonderful day of sun and solidarity for the Miami Five

On a wonderful day in July around 60 people turned out for a marvelous day of sunshine and solidarity on the sponsored Walk for Cuba 2014. This second annual walk in the beautiful Chess Valley in Buckinghamshire was a great success raising thousands of pounds for the campaign for Justice for the Miami Five.

The morning started with light rain but as the day progressed the weather just got better and better with some of the walkers taking the opportunity to take a dip in the cooling river water. The beautiful weather ensured clear views of gorgeous, untouched countryside, and complimented our walkers’ good-natured camaraderie.

People had come from as far away as Manchester, the Lake District, and Wales. It was clear from the wide and varied conversations that everyone was enjoying the chance to socialise and catch up on solidarity activities across the country.

CSC Director, Rob Miller, gave everyone a pre walk send off reminding people that “the families of the Five know about your efforts and are hugely appreciative of everything done in Britain in support of the campaign for justice”. All the walkers and sponsors were thanked for their efforts and everyone received a special Miami Five shirt and badge, and of course the bars of lovely Cuban chocolate were enjoyed by all.

The International Commission of Inquiry into the case of the Five was a huge step forward in building international consensus in favour of re-examining the case. In the US, the Third ‘5 Days for the Cuban 5’ saw delegates from all over the world coming together to discuss US-Cuba relations and lobby Congress. And recently even Argentinean football superstar Maradona took a break from the spectacle of Brazil 2014, to inform viewers from a grand total of 110 countries about the Five’s struggle for justice, on Latin American channel TeleSUR.

Money raised from the walk this year will go towards continuing to build the campaign for justice and freedom for the Five and their families and there is still time to send in sponsorship for the walkers if you would like to contribute to the grand total.


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