Cuban authors speaking tour – London, Leicester, Oxford

Guest speakers from Cuba: Julia Lydia Calzadilla Nunez (renowned children's author, editor, translator, eye witness of the Revolution) and Jose Alberto Negrin Colina (General Secretary of the Havana branch of the Cultural Workers Union) will be speaking at CSC events in Britain in March.

Thursday 7 March, 7pm – Oxford

Sunday 10 March, 7pm – South London

Tuesday 12 March, 7.30pm – Leicester

Thursday 14 March, 6-8pm – North London

Full details below:

Thursday 7 March, 7.30pm – Oxford 
The Victoria in Walton Street, Oxford, OX2 6EB

Social event to meet Cuban authors 
CSC Oxford host a social event, which is open to anyone supporting Cuba and who would like to meet our guests, Julia Lydia Calzadilla Nunez and Jose Alberto Negrin Colina.

contact Carol Stavris


Sunday 10 March, 7pm – South London

Bread & Roses pub, 68 Clapham Manor Street, SW4

“Economic changes in Cuba – how can socialism be improved ?” 
Cuba has been in the news over the last few years with reports on important changes instituted in the economy. One of the most commented upon changes has been the decision to allow a large number of self-employed individuals and small businesses to develop. Also, in January of this year, the Cuban government implemented radical changes to its legal emigration policies – making it much easier for Cuban citizens to travel abroad.

These changes take place during a continuing world economic crisis of capitalism – a crisis that lumbers from one desperate “solution” to another.

Most capitalist commentators have been quick to categorise the changes in Cuba as marking the beginning of the end of socialism and the transition to capitalism. Our meeting offers a rare chance to hear the Cuban side.

Why have these changes taken place and how ? What will their impact on Cuba be in the future? How do Cubans see the economic challenges that face them ? Just some of the questions we hope to cover during our discussion.

All welcome.

For more information please ring Steve Johnson on 0208 671 0730

or Ray Davis on 0207 326 1550

South London Cuba Solidarity Campaign

Car parking available at the NCP Rutland Street but leave the car at home and share a taxi as there will be reasonably priced Cuban cocktails on sale.


Tuesday 12 March, 7.30pm – Leicester
'The Exchange' Rutland Street (Opposite 'CURVE')

'In Cuba and Leicester: Everybody's Reading' talk

Organised by Leicester Cuba Solidarity Campaign – further details from Anne Blair 0116 247 1935 / 07903 299993

Sponsored nationally by UNITE the union and locally by Leicester and District Trades Union Council, City of Leicester Association NUT and 'Everybody's Reading'.


Thursday 14 March, 6-8pm – North London 
Room 9 Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD

The Literacy Campaign and Education in Cuba

In 1961 Cuba increased its literacy levels from pre-revolutionary 70% to 96% within 12 months.

Special guest speakers from Cuba – in the UK for World Book Day:

with opening remarks by Alex Kenny (NUT Executive)

After the talk Julia and Jose will be happy to answer your questions about Cuba.

North London Cuba Solidarity Campaign would like to thank NUT for its generous welcome to Hamilton House. The tour is sponsored in the UK by Unite the Union.

More info:


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