Book your tickets for Latin America 2012 today

speakers from Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Nicaragua

Biggest line up of speakers from Latin America ever!

Saturday, 1st December 2012, 9.30am – 5pm

Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London,

Over 50 speakers include:

Esther Armenteros, Cuban Ambassador

Jacobo Torres, Venezuelan TUC

Aidee Moreno, Colombian Agricultural Workers’ Union

Fatima Herrera Olea, Women’s Secretary SITAG-Peru

Alicia Castro, Argentine Ambassador

Guillaume Long President, CEAACES, Ecuador

Fidel Narvaez, Ecuador

Guisell Morales-Encheverry, Nicaragua

Seumas Milne, journalist

Owen Jones, journalist

Ken Livingstone

Ernesto Laclau, University of Essex

Tony Kapcia, Nottingham University

Frances O’Grady, TUC

Jeremy Corbyn MP

Victoria Brittain, journalist

Richard Gott, writer

Bob Crow, RMT

Robin Blackburn, University of Essex

Stathis Kouvelakis, Kings College

Costas Lapavitsas, SOAS

Plus more speakers and eyewitness reports from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia, Honduras, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina and across the continent.

Led by countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia, progressive governments in Latin America have transformed the lives of millions in recent years, extending health and education for the first time and enhancing social equality.

As part of ALBA, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, these countries are joining together to forge a better and more just society for people across the region.

There will be a number of workshops including:

US Intervention in Latin America – Where After the Presidential Elections?

Colombia’s Peace Process

ALBA & The New Latin America: Showcasing Health and Education For All

Media (Mis)representation of Change in Latin America

Throughout the day there will be a full programme of films and documentaries.

Latin America 2012, is open to all. Come to find out first hand about the latest developments in the continent and how we can offer solidarity at this crucial time.


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