Follow in the footsteps of Che with new CSC tours this Autumn

Ché Guevara Brigade, 27 September – 16 October 2012, £1,199

This autumn, to mark the 45th anniversary of Ché Guevara’s assassination by CIA-backed troops in Bolivia, an exclusive one-off brigade will visit Cuba to undertake solidarity work, spend time in Santa Clara and enjoy the island’s cultural delights.

The cost of the brigade includes return flights, Cuban tourist card, accommodation, food, and most visits, including the site of the Tren Blindado Ché mausoleum and museum.

In the Footsteps of Ché Study Tour, 8 – 23 November 2012, From £1,599

This new study tour – based in Santa Clara, Trinidad and Viñales – will examine Ché’s involvement in the Cuban Revolution. There will also be visits to neighbourhood projects, schools and health care centres including the site of the Tren Blindado Ché mausoleum and museum.

For further information and to book, see links below or contact or call the Cuba Solidarity Campaign on 020 8800 0155.


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