Beyond the Frame

Beyond the Frame presents fresh and diverse work by 29 of Cuba’s leading artists, never before seen in Britain, in support of the campaign for justice for the Miami Five.

From the political to the poetic, the visionary to the everyday, the show embraces the vitality of the island's contemporary art scene, together with original works by other internationally acclaimed artists plus artworks by two of the Miami Five.

It includes painting, drawing, mixed media, prints and photographic work, all available for sale. All proceeds will go the on UK campaigning for Freedom for the Five.


LONDON – 23-28 April 2012

Gallery 27, 27 Cork Street, London, W1S 3NG Open from 10am daily

GLASGOW -, 07-13 May 2012

At The Lighthouse, Gallery 5, 11 Mitchell Lane, Glasgow G1 3NU

Open: Mon,Wed-Sat 10:30am-5pm; Tue 11am-5pm; Sun 12pm-5pm

Beyond the Frame Update

When the doors of Gallery 27 in Cork Street open on 23 April, viewers entering the gallery will have the unique opportunity to visit one of the most thought-provoking exhibitions in London this spring.

However, it will be more than a serious and exciting panoramic display of artistic practice in Cuba today – the exhibition also aims to raise awareness about the case of the Miami 5. That is why pride of will be given to the work of Antonio Guerrero and Gerardo Hernández, two of the Five who have turned to creating art during the 13 years they have spent behind bars.

The show, loosely themed by its title Beyond the Frame: Contemporary Cuban Art, includes a range of artwork from Cuba, created by 29 of the country’s foremost artists and photographers.

Viewers will find several pieces totally stunning, some unsettling and thought provoking, others humorous and cheerful, but all of it remarkable.

Up to 20 artists – mainly based in the UK but also from Ireland and the US – have also generously decided to exhibit alongside the Cuban artists with donated artwork of their own.

The standing and recognition achieved by each of the artists who are contributing work, as well as the esteem in which the exhibition’s patrons are held will help to realize the exhibition’s goal of helping to break the silence surrounding the case of the Miami 5.


Every exhibit in Beyond the Frame has been generously donated by the artists. The exhibition itself has been organised entirely by voluntary labour from specialists in the art field as well as by CSC members. The Cuba Solidarity Campaign has undertaken this project in close collaboration with the artists involved; with Cuba’s National Council of Visual Arts (CNAP); and with the Cuban Institute for Friendship between People (ICAP). This means that every painting or photograph sold will provide much needed resources for the campaign for justice for the Miami 5.


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