Miami 5 Vigil report and photos

More than 250 people braved lashing rain to stand shoulder to shoulder with the mothers of the Miami 5 outside the US embassy on Thursday 1 December.

The fifth annual US embassy vigil heard from trade union general secretaries and leaders, lawyers, and MPs who all pledged their continured support for the campaign for family visitation rights and their freedom from US jails.

Actors, musicians and poets performed moving compositions inspired by the five and read personal extracts from letters between the five and their families.

The hightlight of the evening was the appearance of Mirta Rodriguez, Irma Sehwerert, and Magali Llort, mothers of three of the five, Antonio, Rene and Fernando. They expressed their gratitude and that of their sons for the support in the UK, saying that they would go back to Cuba with renewed hope that their cause would continued to be pushed in the UK after their return home.

A fuller report and video reports to follow.


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