Observer publishes letter on the Miami Five

The Observer has published extracts of a letter signed by 30 British gerneral secretaries, MPs and labour movement personalities calling on President Obama to allow Rene Gonzalez, one of the Miami Five to be allowed to return home to Cuba following his release from a US jail.

The full transcript of the Observer letter and original letter to Obama can be read here.

The Observer, Sunday 6 November, 2011

(from the website)

Allow this Cuban to go home

We appeal to President Obama to intervene to allow Cuban-American citizen René González to return home to Cuba following his release from Mariana prison, Florida, on 7 October.

Gonzalez is the first of five Cubans (the Miami Five) to be released for infiltrating terrorist groups in Miami, for which he was charged with conspiracy to commit espionage by the US government. He has been told he must serve three years' probation in the US and his lawyer and family are concerned for his safety if he is forced to remain there alongside the very terrorist groups he was monitoring.

Mr González's safety is also threatened by the statements from Cuban-born Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen who called González an "enemy of America" with "blood on his hands", just days before his release.

Brendan Barber

General secretary, Trades Union Congress

Len McCluskey, general secretary, Unite the Union

Dave Prentis, general secretary, Unison

Paul Kenny, general secretary, GMB

Billy Hayes, general secretary, CWU

Mark Serwotka, general secretary, PCS

Christine Blower, general secretary, NUT

Bob Crow, general secretary, RMT

Keith Norman, general secretary, ASLEF

Sally Hunt, general secretary, UCU

Matt Wrack, general secretary, FBU

Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary, NUJ

Gerry Morrissey, general secretary, BECTU

Luke Crawley, deputy general secretary, BECTU

John Smith, general secretary, MU

Gerry Doherty, general secretary, TSSA

Michael Leahy OBE, general secretary, Community

Ronnie Draper, general secretary, BFAWU

Jonathan Ledger, general secretary, NAPO

Rob Miller, director, Cuba Solidarity Campaign, UK

Baroness Angela Smith, chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cuba

Michael Connarty MP

Jeremy Corbyn MP

Kelvin Hopkins MP

Cathy Jamieson MP

Victoria Britain, journalist and writer

Steve Cottingham, OH Parsons Trade Union Lawyers

Stephen Cavalier, CEO Thompsons Solicitors


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