British TUC reports on year of support for Cuba and the Miami 5

In September the Trade Union Congress released its annual General Council Report in advance of TUC Congress, summerising the work of the organisation over the previous year.

In the section on Global Solidarity, the TUC reaffirmed its commitment to continue supporting Cuba,the campaign for Justice for the Miami Five, and supporting the work of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign.

The full section on Cuba is reproduced below, and the full report can be downloaded on the link below.

TUC General Council Report on Cuba, September 2011

"Cuba: The TUC has continued to work on a number of issues relating to Cuba. Brendan Barber met with Cathy Ashton, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, in February to call for revision of the European ‘common position’ on Cuba to facilitate a normalisation of relations between EU member states and Cuba. The signing by the British Ambassador in Havana of a UK/Cuba cooperation agreement in July was a welcome step in improving UK – Cuban government relations, although the TUC continues to call for higher-level government exchanges.

The new Cuban Ambassador to the UK, Esther Armenteros, was welcomed at the TUC in November and Brendan Barber spoke at a Parliamentary reception in her honour later the same month.

The General Secretary also meet with the Cuban TUC’s international secretary Manuel Montero during his visit to London in June.

The TUC has continued to work closely with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC) throughout the year including support for the campaign to secure the release of the ‘Miami 5.’

In October Brendan Barber spoke alongside Irma Gonzalez, daughter of Rene Gonzalez – one of the five, at the annual vigil for the Miami 5 outside the United States Embassy. CSC fringe meetings were held at various TUC conferences throughout the year."

[photo: TUC General Secretary, Brendan Barber, pictured with CTC European Officer, Manuel Montero, and CSC Communications Manager, Natasha Hickman]


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