Cuban media praises solidarity brigades

Nordic Brigade of Solidarity Concluded Stay in Cuba

The president of the Cuban Friendship Institute (ICAP), Kenia Serrano, expressed her gratitude to the Nordic Brigade of Solidarity with Cuba for their commitment to the cause of the five Cuban antiterrorist unjustly imprisoned in the US since 1998.

The brigade – made up of 60 friends from the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Belgium and Denmark – was bid farewell at the Julio A. Mella International Camp, located in the municipality of Caimito, in the western province of Artemisa.

Serrano encouraged them to continue their solidarity actions with the Island, and to continue fighting the US economic blockade imposed against Cuba for more than five decades.

British brigadista Amy Barringer read the final declaration of this 53rd Nordic Brigade, which highlights the arduous struggle of mothers and other relatives of the Cuban antiterrorists –internationally known as the Cuban Five.

Barringer affirmed that altruism and solidarity are the only possible means to set the Cuban Five free. She added that the capitalist media is not willing to spread the truth about the case of Fernando Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Rene Gonzalez, Antonio Guerrero and Gerardo Hernandez.

She noted that the US judicial system will not protect them, and issued a call for the rest of the brigade to make public the injustice of the case of the Cuban Five in their countries. She also invited them to join the ongoing international campaign for their freedom.

During three weeks, the solidarity activists were able to get to know the Cuban reality and to exchange with representatives of grass-roots organizations on topics such as democracy, human rights in Cuba, and on the restructuring of the Cuban economic model.

They also met with relatives of the Cuban Five and contributed to the agricultural production of the province by working on the fields.


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